Speed up your website in doing some steps following
Your website only has 3 seconds to load. Any more drawn out that and you won’t only lose a potential customer, but will end up hurting your search engine rankings. Taking steps to improve your website’s loading speed even by just milliseconds can have a positive impact on both your lead generation and sales conversion rates. If you don’t have a web developer to create your company’s website, make sure that you choose a site theme that’s responsive. What that simply means is that the theme automatically adjusts itself depending on what device your customer is using to visit your website so that it loads faster and it’s easier for them to navigate.
Speed is a key to motivates visitors’ activities on your website that could improve website conversions. Obviously, we frequently get discouraged to follow through with websites that are apparently slow and this has driven the likes of Google to proffer solutions for upgrading the loading speed of webpages. By doing this, you will have a thought of how a lot of optimization your website needs in order to reach the required speed. In most cases, compressing the site’s images as well as for optimizing for mobile-friendly designs will do the trick, however, you can also utilize a CDN or a caching plugin.

Hosting speed
Hosting speed. There are many factors that impact how quickly a website loads; one of these is the speed of the hosting server. A slow website disturbs users and reduces the time they spend on your site. Speed is likewise one of the factors that Google uses to rank a website in search engines. SiteGround utilizes the latest technology and has a caching plugin to speed things up further. In addition, they enable ‘Cloudflare’ for free. Cloudflare is probably the best server, positioned all around the world, storing temporary copies of your content, so that your website loads immediately, even if a visitor is located far away. Your server should have the ability to deliver good website speed. This is also dependent on the internet connection speed for your server. Providing good speed is indispensable as not only do customers have little patience for websites that load slowly, but search engines also rank slow-loading websites poorly.

Minify your codes
They'll need to minify your HTML file, remove unnecessary CSS file and make sure your JavaScript file is optimized. All these elements help to make your website faster. As website speed is one of Google's many ranking factors, this will also help you rank higher in search results. Magnification is a fast and easy way to reduce the web application’s resource usage. Even with standard compression techniques, magnification can improve the time expected to render a page by over 60%-70%. Minifying your site can lead to large performance gains without compromising your users’ experience.
Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)
Using a CDN path helps you improve your page speed significantly. A CDN is a network for multiple servers distributed throughout various locations around the globe. Whenever someone visits your website, CDN spot the location of that visitor and serves the static files through a server that is near to them. We use MaxCDN on all our projects.
The best part is that it complements your existing WordPress caching plugins for improving your page load time.
Now, let’s assume you are interacting with a website that is using CDN. Its origin server located in New York along with many servers or cache servers (CDN servers) present in other locations as well. When you will request the server to display the content from Singapore, it will fulfill your request through your nearest or local server, thus reducing the load time and delivering the content in the fastest way.
The more complex the website, the better. If you want to increase your speed of loading in a mobile browser, then you should consider minification.
This means that you can make sure your website load times are as fast as possible.
If you have a large number of pages, then minification will be the best option.
It is also important to remember that there are many different ways of doing so.
You can use a web-based tool like webpack or jQuery.
You can use a CMS like WordPress.
If you don't have a CMS, then using an HTML and JavaScript framework like JavaScript express is the best choice.

Avoid bad request
As your website changes over time, it's inevitable that resources will be moved and deleted. If you don't update your frontend code accordingly, the server will throughout 404 "Not found" or 410 "Gone" responses. These are wasteful, bad requests that lead to a bad user experience and make your site look unprofessional. In the short term, you should scan your website for such links with a link checking tool, such as the crawl errors tool in Google's Webmaster Tools, and fix them. Long term, your website should have a way of updating URL references whenever resources change their location. It may not always be clear to the site owner that a bad request is occurring on their website. However, there are some options available to help you ensure that you avoid bad requests. Certain website speed tests, for example, GTmetrix and Pingdom identify if your website is returning any bad requests and advises you which URLs need to be fixed. For example, by design change the URL of a resource to produce a 404 error, GTmetrix identified this URL as a bad request.
Specify image dimensions and images optimize
Images tend to take up the majority of your website’s page weight. And, without image optimization (for speed and performance) your website loading times high. Smush, one of the best WordPress image optimization plugin, takes the hassle out of optimizing your site’s images by doing it automatically for you anytime you upload a new image to your Media Library. gives you a chance to create tweetable content for your website visitors to tweet out.
Cluttering your website up with such a large number of images, gifs, videos, etc. can drastically slow your load speed. By opting for a more simple website design, you can guarantee your website will load quicker. The simple design also reduces your website speed. Videos and large image files take up a large amount of space to host, and removing them from your website is one of the quickest and easiest ways to improve your website’s load speed. Almost hosting companies charge space your website takes up on their server, as well. So not only can simplifying your website to improve your load time and increase sales, but it can also save you money! The more requests a browser has to make to your server, the slower your site will be for that visitors; most website templates are made up of multiple background images, and this ends up creating some different requests whenever a user tries to load the website. The solution to this is to combine those images into one so that a user’s browser only has to request one image when trying to load your website; this can be achieved with image Sprites.
Cache as much as possible
Enabling caching can improve your website speed outstandingly and give visitors to your website. Caching is the process of storing static files, such as HTML documents, media files, images, CSS and JavaScript files, for easier and faster access, so that the database does not retrieve each and every file every time for the new request. When someone visits your website, the elements of the web page they are trying to get to are consequently downloaded and stored on their hard drive in a cache (temporary storage). That way, whenever they visit your site, their browser will load the requested web page very quickly, without sending an HTTP request to the server again.
While minimizing (minifying) HTTP requests and enabling HTTP, it can greatly improve your website speed. And then consider minifying JavaScript files and CSS files this can also significantly speed up your website. All JavaScript files convert into one single line JavaScript file, as well as also all CSS files into one single line CSS file, you will reduce their number. It reduces the number of HTTP requests and speed up your website. There are many minifying tools online you can try it, but you can start with a free and very easy-to-use WillPeavy plugin and www.minifier.org that can help you quickly minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. BWP Minify (Better WordPress Minify) is also a nice plugin that can help you to minify your JavaScript and CSS files, but it’s a plugin only for WordPress.
Load JavaScript and CSS asynchronously
For every website that uses a lot of JavaScript files and CSS files, there’s a high chance that your website is telling your visitor’s browser to treat these files individually; this leads to a lot of requests that ultimately impact your site speed negatively. Minifying JavaScript files and CSS files reduce the lot of individual JavaScript and CSS files, by having them in one place, thus significantly improving your website speed. Remove all those hurdles which are pulling down your website speed. There are various ways like reducing HTTP requests, minimizing server response time, using optimized images, asynchronous loading of CSS and JavaScript, etc. to improve website speed.
Remove Unnecessary JS and CSS file
No matter what number of experienced you are as a developer, there’s a good possibility that your website contains CSS and JS that has no effect on current page elements. For example, frameworks like Bootstrap come with many CSS styles that you probably don’t need. If you included a feature during development and removed it, later on, there could, in any case, decisions related to that feature lingering in your stylesheets. Unused CSS and JS files are removed on your website and speed up your website pages, so you need to ensure that you have as little excess code as possible.
Enable Gzip Compression
To speed up your website’s load time, enable compression using GZIP, an experienced software application for file compression. Reduce any CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files larger than 150 bytes, and make sure your images are no bigger than and in the right file format. PNGs are typically well-suited for graphics, while JPEGs are usually ideal for photographs. Many companies accept their work is done once their website is optimized and web pages reviewed. But the optimization process doesn’t end here; you should always be looking for ways to further improve your web pages.
Fix All Broken Links on Your Website
Fix broken links. Having quality links on your website is one of the best ways to boost traffic and establish the authority of your website, but links that bring up a 404 error. You can use a tool like BrokenLinkCheck or Dead Link Checker to find any broken links through a 404 error.
Another area you need to improve your website quality. It was already mentioned that you need to make it mobile-friendly, but you have to speed up to make it more responsive.
Since your website is basically stored at the same time. In other words, you might need to change your host and opt for a provider with better tech support, with better features and Add-Ons, and a better user interface. To make a progressively dependable decision go through various reviews and customer feedback, and measure the advantages and disadvantages of different hosting services. Make sure the hosting provider fits for your website growth plans and that it can support the growth of traffic on your website.
Improving your website’s page speed not only helps users convert, but it can also have a huge probability of your search rankings as well. Many websites disregard the more dull activities that help improve page speed and overall site quality, such as routine website maintenance and security audits. This tool will deliver a score out of 100 based on a few different page speed factors that are known to cause slow loading times. Mobile and desktop show separate scores depending on how well your site shows on various devices. It’s everything you could need to tell you how to improve website speed. A great method to utilize this tool is by arranging load time or page views. You can then see which of your pages needs the most help or view highly visited pages that might need improving.
Analyzing your exceptionally visited pages can quickly show you how you may an increase in conversion rate upon speeding up their loading times.
Test Your Website Speed Tools
GTMetrix: This tool analyzes your website speed Google Pagespeed Insights % score and with Yslow and gives you a rating from A to F. It also offers suggestions for improvement.
Google Pagespeed Insights: This tool check mobile and desktop website speed with about optimization files to increase your performance.
Yslow: This tool analyzes your website speed in A to F based on Yahoo!’s rules for website performance.